4th Of July Bag

 Need a nice 4th of July bag to got with that 4th of July outfit why not make your own.
You Will Need:    
2 Fabrics- Outer bag 18"x 21"
2 Fabrics- Inner bag 18"x 21"
2 Batting- 18"x 21"
2 Handles- 4 1/2"x 18 1/2"

First thing to do is to put your fabric together, the outer fabric and batting go together and the inner fabric go together. Here is my outer fabric and batting, the inner fabric was a white bag that I all ready had I just cut the top down to fit my bag.

You will set those aside and make the handles, fold over one side half an inch and sew down then fold other side half way and then fold the rest of the way and sew together.


 Now we add the handles to the bag. Fold bag in half and put handles 2 inches from the fold and 1 inch in to bag, do same thing to other side and try not to twist the handles.


Now we sew bag together in side out. Then turn bag right side in. Make sure to sew together the inner bag inside out and leave inside out.

 Now you need to box the corners to give the bag that square look. Flatten out the corners of the bag and measure out 4" and draw a line across the corner and sew on the line you made then cut right before the sew you made. Make sure to do the same thing to the inner bag.

Now you will fold the top of outer down inside the bag  and you will fold the top of the inner bad down on the out side of the bag and put the inner bag inside the outer bag and pin the edges together. When it comes to the handles you will fold them up so they stick up out of the bag.

Now You Can Enjoy!!

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